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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University

EE432: VLSI Modeling and Design
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Morsy Farag



This course introduces basics of CMOS VLSI design and modeling of digital circuits and systems. Course objectives include:

Teaching Load (Spring 2014):

Course work and assesment (out of 125) are as follows:

Tools to be used are:

Course Outline
  1. CMOS VLSI circuits modeling and design.
  2. CMOS VLSI layout and fabrication.
  3. Physical layout software.
  4. Layout design and simulation Labs and project.
  5. Midterm Exam.
  6. VLSI systems design using Verilog HDL.
  7. RTL design guidelines.
  8. HDL simulation and synthesis labs and project.
  9. Final exam


Course Materials
Lecture 1 Introcuction to VLSI and Digital IC [PDF],[PDF]
Lecture 2,3 Physical Structures of CMOS ICs [PDF]
Lecture 4 Fabrication of CMOS ICs [PDF]
Lecture 5 Elements of Physical Design [PDF]
Lecture 6 Digital Layout IC Mask Design
Standard Cell Techniques IC Mask Design
Lecture 7-10 System Specifications Using Verilog HDL [PDF]
Lecture 11 General VLSI System Components [PDF]
Lecture 12 Arithmetic Circuits in CMOS VLSI [PDF]
Lecture 13 Memory and Programmable Logic [PDF]
Lecture 14 VLSI Clocking and System Design [PDF]

Sheet 1 CMOS IC Layout and Design Rules (1) [PDF]
Sheet 2 CMOS IC Layout and Design Rules (2) [PDF]
Sheet 3 CMOS IC Layout and Design Rules (3) [PDF]
Sheet 4 Verilog HDL (Palnitkar Book Problems) [PDF]
Sheet 5 Verilog HDL (Behavioral Modeling) [PDF]
Sheet 6 Verilog HDL (Additional Problems) [PDF]

Lab Assignments
Lab 1 Physical Design and Layout of A CMOS Inverter [PDF]
Lab 2 Physical Design of a 2-to-1 MUX and XOR [PDF]
Lab 3 Hierarchial Design and Layout of Complex Logic Circuits [PDF]
Lab 4  System-Level Design of Combinational Circuits [PDF]
Lab 5 System-Level Design of Sequential Circuits [PDF]
Lab 6 System-Level Design of Finite State Machines [PDF]

Previous Exams
Mid-term Exams 2013 2014
Final Exams 2013 2014

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