Marwan A. Torki
Associate Professor Computer and Systems Engineering
Department Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University
mtorki @ alexu. edu . eg |
I am an Associate Professor at the Computer and Systems Engineering
Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University, Alexandria, Egypt. I obtained my PhD in 2011 from the Department
of Computer Science, Rutgers The
State University of New Jersey, under the supervision of Prof.
Ahmed Elgammal
Dr. Marwan Torki is an Associate
Professor in the
Computer and Systems Engineering Department at Alexandria
University, Egypt. He received his
B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science from Alexandria University in 2003 and 2006
respectively and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rutgers University NJ, USA
in 2011. He is advising several undergraduate/graduate students in different research
and development projects focusing mainly on
computer vision and machine
learning tasks. Dr. Marwan Torki research
wide interests are Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Deep learning.
Book Chapters
and Articles
- Hamada Rizk, Marwan Torki, Moustafa Youssef: CellinDeep: Robust
and Accurate Cellular-based Indoor Localization via Deep Learning.
IEEE Sensors Journal 12/2018; PP(99):1-1.,
- Maha Heikal, Marwan Torki, Nagwa El-Makky: Sentiment Analysis of
Arabic Tweets using Deep Learning. Procedia Computer Science
01/2018; 142:114-122., DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.466
- Chan-Su Lee,
AhmedElgammal and MarwanTorki "Learning Representations
From Multiple Manifolds" Pattern
Recognition Journal, Feb. 2016 [pdf][doi]
- Ahmed Elgammal and Marwan Torki
"Learning Image Manifolds
from Local Features" Manifold Learning Theory and Applications, Edited by Yun
Fu, CRC Press 2011, Pages 233�252 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7109-6
Conference Papers
- Karim Elawad and Mohamed Ezz Eldin and
Marwan Torki : DeepCReg: Improving Cellular-based
Outdoor Localization Using CNN-based Regressors. (WCNC 2020,
4/2020)[Code, pdf]
- Dina Samak, Sarah Jad, Nour Eldin
Nabil, Amr Wassal, Marwan Torki: Spectrometer as an Ubiquitous
Sensor for IoT Applications Targeting Food Quality, 6th ACS/IEEE
International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA
2019 November 3rd to November 7th, 2019 [pdf]
- Omar S Mossad and Mustafa ElNainay and
Marwan Torki: Deep Convolutional Neural Network with {Multi-Task}
Learning Scheme for Modulations Recognition, IWCMC 2019 Advances in
5G and Beyond Symposium (IWCMC 2019 5G Symposium, 6/2019.
- Moustafa Abbas, Moustafa Elhamshary, Hamada
Rizk, Marwan Torki, Moustafa Youssef: WiDeep: WiFi-based Accurate
and Robust Indoor Localization System using Deep Learning. Percom
2019, Japan; 03/2019
- Reham Abobeah, Marwan Torki, Amin Shoukry,
Jiro Katto: Bi-Directional Attention Flow for Video Alignment. 14th
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications;
- Mai Ibrahim, Marwan Torki, Nagwa El-Makky:
Imbalanced Toxic Comments Classification using Data Augmentation and
Deep Learning. ICMLA; 12/2018
- l Moatasem Madani,, Marwan Torkii
Interactive Image Segmentation Using Multimodal Regularized Kernel
Embedding. ICMLA 2018, USA; 12/2018A
- bdallah Elsaadawy,, Marwan Torkii, Nagwa
El-Makky: A Text Classifier Using Weighted Average Word Embedding.
International Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics,
Communications, and Computations (JAC-ECC) 2018, Alexandria, Egypt;
- Ahmed Shokry, Marwan Torki, Moustafa
Youssef: DeepLoc: A Ubiquitous Accurate and Low-Overhead Outdoor
Cellular Localization System. SIGSPATIAL 2018, USA; 11/2018,
- Mahmoud AbdelLatif, Shady AbdelAziz, Ahmed
Elmasry, Mohamed Heeba, Mohamed Samir, Marwan Torki : A Supervised
Learning Approach Using The Combination of Semantic and Lexical
Features for Arabic Community Question Answering. 15th ACS/IEEE
International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA
2018, Jordan; 11/2018
- Marwan Torki: A Document Descriptor using
Covariance of Word Vectors. ACL, Australia; 07/2018
- Mai Ibrahim,
Marwan Torki, and Mustafa
ElNainay, "CNN based indoor localization using RSS time-series",
[code and data]
- Ameer Albaham, Maram Hasanain, Marwan
Torki, Tamer Elsayed QweetFinder: Real-time Finding and Filtering of
Question Tweets 2017 39th European Conference on Information
Retrieval ECIR 2017.
- Rana Malhas, Marwan Torki, Rahma Ali, Evi
Yulianti, Tamer Elsayed Real, Live, and Concise: Answering
Open-Domain Questions with Word Embedding and Summarization. TREC
2016; 11/2016
- Sherin Aly, Lynn Abbott, and
Marwan Torki, "A
Multi-modal Feature Fusion Framework for Kinect-based Facial
Expression Recognition using Dual Kernel Discriminant Analysis
(DKDA)" IEEE WACV 2016 [pdf]
- Moustafa Meshry, Mohamed E. Hussein
and Marwan Torki "Linear-time Online Action Detection
From 3D Skeletal Data Using Bags of Gesturelets" IEEE WACV 2016
- Reem Suwaileh, Maram Hasanain, Marwan
Torki, Tamer Elsayed: QU at TREC-2015: Building Real-Time Systems
for Tweet Filtering and Question Answering. TREC 2015; 11/2015
- Moustafa Meshry, Ahmed Taha and Marwan Torki
Feature Transform: An Interactive Image Segmentation Approach" BMVC
2015, Swansea city, UK [pdf][code]
- Ahmed Taha and Marwan Torki
"Seeded Laplacian: An Interactive Image Segmentation Approach
usning EigenFunctions" ICIP 2015, Quebec city, Canada [pdf][code]
- Amr Sharaf,
Marwan Torki, Mohamed Hussein and Motaz Elsaban "Real-time Multi-scale
Action Detection From 3D Features"
WACV 2015 [pdf]
- Tarek El-Gaaly,
Marwan Torki
and Ahmed Elgammal "Spatial-Visual Label Propagation for Local Feature
Classification" ICPR 2014 (oral) [pdf][presentation]
- Mohamed E. Hussein,
Marwan Torki, Mohammad A. Gowayyed and
Motaz El-Saban "Human Action Recognition Using a Temporal Hierarchy of
Covariance Descriptors on 3D Joint Locations"IJCAI 2013 [pdf][poster][Onset
and Offset anntoations for MSRC12 gesture data]
- Mohammad A. Gowayyed,
Marwan Torki, Mohamed E. Hussein and
Motaz El-Saban"Histogram of Oriented Displacements (HOD): Describing
Trajectories of Human Joints for Action Recognition"IJCAI 2013 (oral)[pdf][poster][presentation]
- Tarek El-Gaaly,
Marwan Torki, Ahmed Elgammal and Maneesh
Singh "RGBD Object Pose Recognition using Local-Global Multi-Kernel Regression"ICPR
2012 [pdf]
- Marwan Torki
and Ahmed Elgammal "Regression from Local Features for Viewpoint and
Pose Estimation"
ICCV 2011[pdf]
- Marwan
and Ahmed Elgammal, "One-Shot Multi-Set Non-rigid Feature-Spatial
CVPR 2010[pdf]
- Marwan
Torki and Ahmed Elgammal,
Local Features on A Manifold", CVPR 2010[pdf][code]
- Marwan
Torki , Ahmed Elgammal and Chan-Su
Lee "Learning A Joint Manifold Representation From Multiple Data Sets",
ICPR 2010.[pdf]
Workshop Papers
Marwan Torki, Maram Hasanain, Tamer Elsayed
"QU-BIGIR at SemEval 2017 Task 3: Using Similarity Features for
Arabic Community Question Answering Forums". In Proceedings of the
10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, Sem-Eval �17.
Rana Malhas, Marwan Torki, and Tamer
Elsayed. 2016. QU-IR at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Learning to rank on
Arabic community question answering forums with word embedding. In
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic
Evaluation, Sem-Eval �16, San Diego, CA.
Reham Mohamed,
Maha Ragab, Heba Abdelnasser, Nagwa M El-Makky, Marwan Torki:
Al-Bayan: A knowledge-based system for Arabic answer selection. . In
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic
Evaluation, Sem-Eval �15. [pdf]
Heba Abdelnasser,
Reham Mohamed, Maha Ragab, Alaa Mohamed, Bassant Farouk, Nagwa
El-Makky, Marwan Torki: Al-Bayan: An Arabic Question Answering
System for the Holy Quran. ANLP; 01/2014
Tarek El-Gaaly, Marwan Torki, Ahmed
Elgammal, Maneesh Singh: RGBD Pose Recognition using Local-Global
Multi-kernel Regression. 2nd GNY Area Multimedia and Vision Meeting;
06/2012 [pdf]
Tarek El-Gaaly,
Marwan Torki, Ahmed Elgammal, Maneesh Singh: Multi-Modal RGBD
Sensors for Object Grasping and Manipulation. IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Workshop on; 10/2012
- Marwan Torki, "Learning the Manifolds of Local Features and Their Spatial
Arrangments", Ph.D Thesis, Rutgers University, NJ, USA summer 2011.[pdf][presentation]
- Marwan Torki, "Towards Efficient View Maintenance In Data Warehouses", M.Sc.
thesis, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alexandria. August 2006.