Hicham Elmongui, Ph.D. |
Activities & Services:
Professional Services
- Track Chair for:
- Technical Program Committee Member for:
- Journal reviewer for:
- Undergraduate Academic Advisor for students # (1056:1173, 1347:1361, 1623:1715, 2275:2384), Alexandria University, Egypt.
- Judge for the Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium, Purdue University, 2008.
Conference external reviewer for: SIGMOD'06, VLDB('06, '05), ICDE('07, '06),
CIKM'06, EDBT('09, '06), MobiDE'06, RankDB'07, GIS('08, '07, '06, '05), DASFAA'05, TIME'05,
ISORC'05, Mobicom'04, Globecom'04, ISCC'04.
- Organizing committee: Midwest Database Research Symposium 2005.
- Advisor of the Rover Scouts, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, 2013/2014.
- Advisor for Alashanek Ya Balady Association for Sustainable Development (Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University), 2010-2014
- Applied Management Principles Program, Krannert school of management, Purdue University, 2009.
- President of the Egyptian Student Association in North America (ESANA), 2008-2009.
- Outstanding Service Award, Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, 2007-2008.
- Citizens Police Academy, Purdue University Police Department (PUPD), Spring 2008. Here is the Certificate of Completion.
- President of the Egyptian Student Association @ Purdue, 2007-2008.
- Purdue Graduate Student Senate, 2007-2008. Here is the Certificate of Recognition.
- Purdue Graduate Student Government Representative, 2007-2008.
- Purdue College of Science Graduate Student Council, 2007-2008.
- Computer Science Graduate Student Board @ Purdue, 2007-2008.
- Founding member of the Purdue Graduate Student Cancer Coalition, 2007.
Notable Activities
Research Intern in the Data Management, Exploration and Mining Group (DMX) at Microsoft Research,
Microsoft Corp., Redmond(WA), May-August 2008.
Research Intern in the Database group at Microsoft Research,
Microsoft Corp., Redmond(WA), May-August 2007.
Research Intern in the Database group at Microsoft Research,
Microsoft Corp., Redmond(WA), May-August 2006.
- Member of the IEEE.
- Member of the ACM.
- Member of Microsoft Research Alumni Network.
- Member of the honor society Upsilon Pi Epsilon.