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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University

CC 423: Advanced Computer Architectures
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Morsy Farag


This course introduces design principles of modern computer architecture.

Teaching Load (Spring 2017):

  • Lectures (3 hours), Tutorials (1 hours)

Office Hours: Saturday from 10:30AM to 12:00PM.

Teaching Assistant: Eng. Fatma Anwar

Course work and assesment (100 marks):

    • Homework Assignments:
      • 10 marks
    • Project: You can choose only one of the following three projects
      • Design of A SPARCv8- Compatible Processor (30marks+bonus)
      • Research on Computer Architecture (30 marks)
      • Survey on Processors or Computer Systems (30 marks)
        • Project Description [PDF]
    • Midterm exam
      • 20 marks
    • Final Exam
      •  40 marks

CAD Tools to be used are:
    Active HDL Student Edition
    Modelsim Student Edition

Course Outline
  • Design principles associated with modern parallel computer architectures
  • Overview of Pipelining and memory hierarchy
  • Processor Design using Hardware Description Languages
  • Instruction Level Parallelism
  • Data-Level Parallelism in Vector, SIMD, and GPU Architectures
  • Thread-Level Parallelism

  • Textbook:
    • “Computer architecture: a quantitative approach.”, Patterson, David A., and John L. Hennessy. 5th ed

  • Supplementary References:
    • “Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface”, Patterson, David A., and John L. Hennessy. 5th ed

    • “Digital Design and Computer Architecture”, David Harris, Sarah Harris, 2nd Edition

Course Materials (2017)
Lecture 1 Introcuction [PDF]
Lecture 2 Overview and Background [PDF]
Lecture 3 Pipelining Review [PDF]
Lecture 4 SystemVerilog [PDF]
Lecture 5 Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP): Static Techniques [PDF]
Lecture 6 ILP: Branch Prediction [PDF]
Lecture 7 ILP: Dynamic Scheduling
Tomasulo Algorithm Examples
[PDF], [PDF]
Lecture 8 ILP: Speculative Execution
Speculative Tomasulo Examples
Lecture 9 ILP: Multiple Issue Processor [PDF]
Lecture 10 ILP: Limits to ILP [PDF]
Lecture 11 Thread Level Parallelsim [PDF]
Lecture 12 Multiprocessor and Parallel Programs [PDF]
Lecture 13 Shared Memory Multiprocessor and Cache Memory Review [PDF]
Lecture 14 Cache Coherence [PDF]
Lecture 15 Directory-Based Protocols [PDF]
Lecture 16 Shared Memory Synchronization [PDF]

Sheet 1 Modern Processor Design Principles [PDF]
Sheet 2 Pipelined Processor Review [PDF]
Sheet 3 Instruction-Level Parallelism [PDF]
Sheet 4 Thread-Level Parallalism and Multicore processors [PDF]

Previous Exams
Mid-term Exams 2017
Final Exams 2017

  • The course has started on Tuesday 11/2/2017.

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© Copyright 2010-2017, Mohammed M. Farag | Last updated: September 22, 2017