Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University
EE432: VLSI Modeling and Design
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Morsy Farag
This course introduces basics of CMOS VLSI
design and modeling of digital circuits and systems.
Teaching Load (Spring 2017):
- Lectures (3 hours), Tutorials (2 hours), Lab (2 hours)
- Office Hours: Saturday from 10:30AM to12:00PM.
- Teaching Assistant:
Eng. Mohamed Megahed
Course work and assesment (out of 125) are as follows:
- 4 Labs (10 marks) +
Attendance (5 marks)
- 1 Project (10 marks):
The project desription file
- Midterm exam (25 marks)
- Final Exam (75 marks)
- VLSI Implementation Strategies.
- MOSFET non ideal characteristics.
- Delay models and logical effort.
- Power consumption and low-power design
- Interconnect modeling, impact, and
- Robustness: Variability, Reliability, and
- Design Methodologies and Tools.
- Testing, Debugging, and Verification.
- Textbooks:
- “CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits
and Systems Perspective”, Neil Weste, David Harris.
Reference books:
- "Top-down Digital VLSI Design: From
Architectures to Gate-level Circuits and FPGAs".Hubert Kaeslin,
- “Digital integrated circuits 2nd ed.”
Rabaey, Jan M., Anantha P. Chandrakasan, and Borivoje Nikolic.,
Course Materials
Lecture 1 |
Syllabus & Introduction |
[PDF] |
Lecture 2 |
Digital IC Review
MIPS Processor Design |
[PDF] |
Lectures 3, 4 |
MOSFET Non-Ideal Effects |
[PDF] |
Lecture 5 |
Delay Analysis |
[PDF] |
Lecture 6 |
Logical Effort |
[PDF] |
Lecture 7 |
Power |
[PDF] |
Lecture 8 |
Wires |
[PDF] |
Lectures 9-12 |
From Algorithms to Architectures |
[PDF] |
Lecture 13-17 |
Circuit Modeling with HDLs |
[PDF] |
Sheet 1 |
Delay |
[PDF] |
Sheet 2 |
Power |
[PDF] |
Sheet 3 |
Interconnect |
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Sheet 4 |
From Algorithms to Architectures |
[PDF] |
Sheet 5 |
Circuit Modeling with HDLs |
[PDF] |
Lab Assignments
Lab 1 |
Cell Design and
Verification |
[PDF] |
Lab 2 |
Datapath Design and
Verification |
[PDF] |
Lab 3 |
Controller Design and
Verification |
[PDF] |
Lab 4 |
Full Chip Assembly |
[PDF] |
Project |
CMOS VLSI Design |
[PDF] |
© Copyright 2010-2017, Mohammed M. Farag | Last updated: May 17, 2017