Mohammed Morsy Naeem Farag
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
Alexandria University
Alexandria, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering
El-Horreya Rd, El-Hadara
Electrical Engineering
Postal Code: 21544
Office: 4-4-F134
[email protected]g
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, Virginia, USA, 2012
Thesis: Architectural Enhancements to Increase Trust in Cyper-Physical Systems
Containing Untrusted Components, [PDF]
GPA: 4.00
Supervisor: Prof.
Cameron Patterson
- M.Sc., Alexandria University,
Alexandria, Egypt, 2007
- Thesis: Hardware Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard on Field
Programmable Gate Array, [PDF]
- GPA: 4.00
- Supervisor: Prof. Mohamed Rizk
- B.Sc., Alexandria University,
Alexandria, Egypt, 2003
- Cumulative Grade: Distinction with Degree of Honor
- GPA: 3.89
- Department Rank: Second over a class of 407 students
- Graduation Project: VLSI Design of Cryptographic and Coding Algorithms
© Copyright 2010-2017, Mohammed M. Farag | Last updated: February 24, 2017